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GetDotColor              Returns Color Value of Given Point

 GetDotColor(X,Y : Integer) : Integer;                                [XG/TP]

    Returns the color value of the point at (X,Y). Values 0..3 are
    returned in 320 x 200 pixel mode (GraphMode), whereas values 0..1 are
    returned in 640 x 200 pixel mode (HiRes).

             X,Y    Screen coordinates (column, row); location of point on
                    screen in pixels.

          Notes:    If the point (X,Y) is outside of the window or the
                    display is not in graphics mode, -1 is returned as the
                    point color.

                    The extended graphics external declaration file
                    GRAPH.P must be included to use this procedure.

                    The video display must be in graphics mode before
                    calling this procedure, or else the value returned by
                    this function will be -1.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           {$I GRAPH.P }

           I := GetDotColor(52,19);      { Get color of point at (52, 19) }

See Also: Plot
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson